Acupuncture in Brampton
Acupuncture is a Latin word in which Acu means needles and Puncture means to prick. Thus Acupuncture is an art of healing that includes the use of acupuncture needles or lancets along with electrical, mechanical, or magnetic devices to directly or indirectly stimulate acupuncture points and meridians in the human body. Inserting needles into these points with appropriate combinations is said to bring the energy flow back into proper balance. Core Physio and Massage Therapy provides the best acupuncture treatment in Brampton. we are one of the best acupuncture clinic in Brampton.
Acupuncture is used to treat various illnesses and disorders, including stress headaches, migraines, dental pain, chemotherapy-induced, and postoperative nausea, and vomiting. Our Core Physio and Massage Therapy, seasoned acupuncture in Brampton, offers safe, effective, and cost-efficient acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture Effect
- Analgesic
- Sedation
- Homeostatic or Regulatory
- Immune enhancing
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
- Hastens the motor recovery
Procedure of Acupuncture
A typical acupuncture session involves a physical examination, general health check-up, medical history, and acu-graph which determines the flow of energy throughout the body thereby helping the physician to plan the treatment. After assessing the condition of the patient one or more thin, sterile, single-use, disposable needles are inserted on the back, front, or one side. Sometimes the needles are heated or stimulated with electricity after insertion. The needles remain inserted between 5 to 30 minutes. The number of sessions depends on an individual’s medical situation. A person with a chronic condition may need five to six sittings per week over several months. An acute problem normally improves after 8 to 12 sessions.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
The basic idea behind acupuncture, according to ancient theory, is that energy flows within the human body and can be stimulated to create balance and health. The energy flow (or vital force)—called qi and pronounced “chee”—moves throughout the body along 12 main channels known as meridians. These meridians represent the major organs and functions of the body although they do not follow the exact pathways of nerves or blood flow.
The goal of acupuncture is to correct imbalances of flow and restore health through stimulation, generally by inserting needles through the skin at points along the meridians of the body. Current acupuncture information lists up to 400 different acupuncture points for various health problems. Scientists have attempted to explain the actual physical effects of acupuncture on the human body. Some researchers suggest that pain relief happens when acupuncture needles stimulate nerves. Another well-accepted theory is that acupuncture releases pain-relieving chemicals, such as endorphins and serotonin.
Acupuncture may also be effective because it targets painful tender points, sometimes called trigger points. Additionally, acupuncture may decrease pain-causing inflammation by stimulating the body’s pituitary gland to release cortisol, a hormone that is known to reduce inflammation. Although the exact manner in which acupuncture works is unknown, the treatment appears helpful for certain medical illnesses in certain people at certain times.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is acupuncture painful?
Even though using needles, acupuncture procedures are relatively painless. One of the most common acupuncture applications is spontaneous relief of chronic body pain without using drugs that may have adverse effects.
Is acupuncture a safe treatment?
We do use single-use needles that are disposable, sterile, and non-toxic. Hence, acupuncture is an entirely safe procedure.
How many acupuncture treatments are sufficient to achieve effective results?
The number and duration of treatment sessions vary from one patient to another. Some patients report immediate relief after their first treatment session. Few visits are generally expected for complicated or chronic conditions, with eight to ten visits.
During the initial consultation, the patient will be given an individualized recovery schedule that involves the estimated number of treatment sessions.
Are there any potential side effects?
Acupuncture is very safe, which is one of its significant benefits. There are no side effects other than slight bruising.
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