Vestibular Therapy
Vestibular Therapy in Hurontario Street
Head pain is beyond headaches. Pain in the jaw, under or around the eyes or neck occurs due to head pains. It can stretch from just a few hours to a few days. However, we are all too busy to watch out for head pain symptoms. All these conditions can arise from an array of causes. However, to narrow down, it can be the consequences of sports injury, motor vehicle injury, and problems in the vestibular.
- Muscle Weakness
- Difficulty in focusing
- Sensitivity to light
- Blurred vision
- Confusion/ Dizziness
- Slurred speech and Nausea/vomiting
- Headache
- Vision rehabilitation
- Graded exercise training that does not intensify symptoms
- Balance testing and training
- Vestibular rehabilitation
- Manual therapy
With timely, well-monitored diagnoses and treatment for concussion, vertigo and other brain injuries, we have a dynamic team of physiotherapists to help you recover and return to everyday life. In addition, we have an expert physical therapist to aid your rehabilitation for safer post-injury outcomes. Core Physio and Massage Therapy help reduce the pain of Vestibular.
With timely, well-monitored diagnoses and treatment for concussion, vertigo and other brain injuries, we have a dynamic team of physiotherapists to help you recover and return to everyday life. In addition, we have an expert physical therapist to aid your rehabilitation for safer post-injury outcomes. Core Physio and Massage Therapy is best vestibular therapy clinic in Hurontario Street. We provide best vestibular therapy in Hurontario Street.
At Core Physio and Massage Therapy, Hurontario Street, We take holistic approach to care and ensure convenience of accessing vestibular injury therapy in Hurontario Street from Consultation to Treatment to Post Treatment Care. Vestibular rehabilitation is specialized exercise based program designed by a specialized physiotherapist to reduce vertigo/ dizziness related problems and improve balance.
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